Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Asking Questions!

Asking Questions?

I remember starting my second year of teaching.  I had moved to Winnipeg, settled into our new home, which was walking distance from my new school.  I spent the summer preparing for my courses: Kindergarten - Grade Five general music, Gr. 6-9 Band, a mixture of choral, jazz, concert band and drama.  I was truly excited about how I was going to be apart of a community.

The school was a small, city school.  We had a diversity of incomes.  Each grade had approximately one and half classes per grade and I had the glory of teaching every student in the building.  I am not being sarcastic with this statement.  I truly saw this as a blessing; one that I shared with the physical  education instructor!

Within three months I saw a remarkable trend.  As the students progressed in age, their eagerness to answer questions dwindled.  I would ask the Kindersmartens a question and hands would wave in the air. The whole class, not one hesitating, wanting to share their thoughts and ideas.  In grade two, the zest for hand waving showed a decline, but not a dismal showing.  By grade five, only a select few would dare to talk when asked to share ideas.  By grade seven, leaders of discussion were clearly established amongst the learners.  By grade nine, I could predict who would respond and what they would say.

Why this decline in my students ability to share thoughts, feelings, ideas, concepts?

Worried that I may be attributing to problem, I researched questioning methods, became aware of my expected time allowance for their responses and I asked a mentor teacher in the staffroom for their thoughts.   "It's just what happens!" was the response.

Now, many years later, I find myself asking the same question.  Why do students hesitate to share ideas, thoughts, feelings, concepts?

So...  I have decided to ask my currently grade twelve class...

How do you feel when you want to answer a question posed in the classroom?

How much time do you think is reasonsable for a teacher to wait for an answer?

Is there something, (like confidence, fear, or a memory), that stops you from sharing your thought?

I will post my findings!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


As Spring Break comes to a close, I am feeling ready to return to work.

The amazing concept of time is challenging.  When we return, I believe we have 53 teaching days prior to exams (English Exams are early so some of you may have longer).  These days will be full of different goals and feelings.  Consider all the different scenarios - the student failing vs the student coasting.  On some accounts, they may be the same student.

I am spending some time considering interactions with all the scenarios.  I wish for every student is that they succeed...   I wish for them to do their best.

What do I do when they are under-achieving?  I keep trying to communicate with them.  Here, my challenge is to not say the same old words - they have not worked in the past!  Try new words!  I then have the thought that the same words may work this one time.

Here is my secret...  regardless of what words I use...
I am continueing to try to reach them.
Never Give Up!

"If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win but think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can."
Walter D. Wintle

May we all do our best with what we have!