Friday, November 29, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Advice on the device

We as teachers are worried about the telephones, the videogames, the technology that is now coming into classrooms.

As an English teacher I'm challenging myself to take these new instruments and understand that I now have a new insight.

When a student is not engaged in the classroom, we cannot assess them. Why not try to use the technology as an open window into a world that they understand. Take a student where they are right in that moment and journey with them. They are thinking, they are making decisions, they are internalizing information.

They are engaged in an instrument that is causing them to think to reevaluate,to make decisions.

How can I use this to create success.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Write a blog....

So why blog?????

I am rethinking the reason for my blog. 

As I am not opening it daily, I forget about it. 

So how do I make the point of making the blog useful?

I think I have to open myself up to risking more in the digital community.