Monday, February 13, 2012


It was one of "those"days!

I was totally prepared;  everything was photocopied; my PowerPoint was ready and waiting.   My first three classes were full of great conversations.  The grade eleven class did our first "Think, Pair, Share" strategy, and they used their time effectively and wisely.  Great Morning!

Then, I had a student drop in during lunch.  I was just about to wrap up my thoughts on the morning classes!  Don't get me wrong, this was delight to see her walk through the door.  We needed to catch up and get on the same page.  Although this was a great meeting of the minds, this is also when I was called down to the office for yet another student meeting.  So much of eating during lunch, I hear food is over rated.  This second meeting was also full of great ideas, brainstorms on how to create success for a struggling student.  The bell rings to end this meeting, which means that my last class of the day has now started without me.   UGHHHHHH

As I walked toward the classroom, my students are huddled around the door.  Why do they do this?  I have to slide through, "excuse me", "pardon me", "sorry, lunch meeting, sorry!  I know... I'm late, send me for a late slip"  wink wink, smile, nudge.  Everyone is in good humour.

The class settles in!  I sit at the computer to do attendance.  The computer will not let me sign in.  Several attempts; several denials.  Force Shut Down!  Class chats quietly.  Of course, material is ready, just cannot access the goods.  Minutes later (many great exchanges with the class) I am logged in, attendance complete, marked work returned and then GREATNESS!

Today, I had my grade 12 class looked at exemplars of the same question they had just answered and had returned.  As we examined the exemplars, questions lead to students asking if they could "re-do".

We discussed ...

"How do I make my response more clear, more developed?"

"How do I bring insight and sophistication to my response?"

The class ended too soon.  We were all shocked by the bell!  What a pleasure - these students brought great satisfaction to a lunch less day!

Funny!  I was no longer hungry.  I was totally satisfied!

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