Thursday, November 1, 2012

Learning about Digital Foot Print.

I have to say that I don't fully grasp where all the digital date goes!
I have a vague idea and I think the fog will lift as I continue to do my best explorations.

I want to share two links that have impacted my thinking this week.


I have shared the idea of the power of body language!
May it give them the brain power they need.

The second post was found by a student of mine and she asked me to watch it!  I do feel so blessed by the people in my life; my classroom, my community, my home and my world!

Check this out...

She is funny and she speaks a truth that we have to listen because her stats reflect the population of our schools.

What will our students do with all this information at thier finger tips?
How will we, as educators help them understand their brain power?

We have to understand behaviour if we are to be the best educators we can be.  Let's support each other!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Unplugged for a day!

I actually don't think of myself as a person who is plugged in to technology in excess.
Today, however, I didnot go on emails, internet, or television.  I did, now upon reflection, use my phone to connect with a doctor, and a friend.

What did I do...

I went to a doctor's appointment.
I had coffee with a friend and we talked face to face (girl time)!
I went on a car ralley with my husband and, our exchange daughter, Ritsuko.

This car ralley was in celebration of a dog's birthday!  Sounds funny as I type it, but this dog- Cooper, turned 12 years old today and in dog years that  is 88 years old (according to the chart at the vet's office).  We, all who gathered in our little British Cars, had a great time following directions and identifying pictures.

Really, the day lifted my spirits! I spent time with people I love and care about!  I rode around our beautiful city and saw new traits on old routes.  I warmed myself next to a small firepit.  I chatted with old friends and listened to young voices. Thanks Alex, I loved teasing you about wearing your Crocs with no socks :)

Yesterday, I said I would try to spend 15 minutes a day learning something new about technology.  Today, I have spent that 15 minutes updating my blog and thinking how great my life is.

I am blessed!  Technology or no technology!

May I never forget how blessed I am!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Today I went to Embracing the Edge, a conference that has allowed me to be me in the big world of technology.  I discovered ...

I have to just try it!
I have to allow myself to be vulnerable
I have to let go of some old conventions - like I have to know the answer before beginning!

Here's the thing...

I tell this to my students all the time.

Time for me to walk my talk

Then I came home and found this TedTalk

Brené Brown: Listening to shame | Video on

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Asking Questions!

Asking Questions?

I remember starting my second year of teaching.  I had moved to Winnipeg, settled into our new home, which was walking distance from my new school.  I spent the summer preparing for my courses: Kindergarten - Grade Five general music, Gr. 6-9 Band, a mixture of choral, jazz, concert band and drama.  I was truly excited about how I was going to be apart of a community.

The school was a small, city school.  We had a diversity of incomes.  Each grade had approximately one and half classes per grade and I had the glory of teaching every student in the building.  I am not being sarcastic with this statement.  I truly saw this as a blessing; one that I shared with the physical  education instructor!

Within three months I saw a remarkable trend.  As the students progressed in age, their eagerness to answer questions dwindled.  I would ask the Kindersmartens a question and hands would wave in the air. The whole class, not one hesitating, wanting to share their thoughts and ideas.  In grade two, the zest for hand waving showed a decline, but not a dismal showing.  By grade five, only a select few would dare to talk when asked to share ideas.  By grade seven, leaders of discussion were clearly established amongst the learners.  By grade nine, I could predict who would respond and what they would say.

Why this decline in my students ability to share thoughts, feelings, ideas, concepts?

Worried that I may be attributing to problem, I researched questioning methods, became aware of my expected time allowance for their responses and I asked a mentor teacher in the staffroom for their thoughts.   "It's just what happens!" was the response.

Now, many years later, I find myself asking the same question.  Why do students hesitate to share ideas, thoughts, feelings, concepts?

So...  I have decided to ask my currently grade twelve class...

How do you feel when you want to answer a question posed in the classroom?

How much time do you think is reasonsable for a teacher to wait for an answer?

Is there something, (like confidence, fear, or a memory), that stops you from sharing your thought?

I will post my findings!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


As Spring Break comes to a close, I am feeling ready to return to work.

The amazing concept of time is challenging.  When we return, I believe we have 53 teaching days prior to exams (English Exams are early so some of you may have longer).  These days will be full of different goals and feelings.  Consider all the different scenarios - the student failing vs the student coasting.  On some accounts, they may be the same student.

I am spending some time considering interactions with all the scenarios.  I wish for every student is that they succeed...   I wish for them to do their best.

What do I do when they are under-achieving?  I keep trying to communicate with them.  Here, my challenge is to not say the same old words - they have not worked in the past!  Try new words!  I then have the thought that the same words may work this one time.

Here is my secret...  regardless of what words I use...
I am continueing to try to reach them.
Never Give Up!

"If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win but think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can."
Walter D. Wintle

May we all do our best with what we have!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Connecting is important

Connecting with students
Connecting with outcomes
Connecting with student ideas
Connecting with student goals

Understanding is important

Understand the students
Understand the outcomes
Understand the student ideas
Understand the student goals

Creating is important

Creating goals
Creating connections
Creating outcomes
Creating universal programs-access for all

Connecting with students
Scaffolding outcomes and goals
Connecting with students
Are they understanding?

Start all over again.
Make the circle complete

Connecting is so important!

Monday, February 13, 2012


It was one of "those"days!

I was totally prepared;  everything was photocopied; my PowerPoint was ready and waiting.   My first three classes were full of great conversations.  The grade eleven class did our first "Think, Pair, Share" strategy, and they used their time effectively and wisely.  Great Morning!

Then, I had a student drop in during lunch.  I was just about to wrap up my thoughts on the morning classes!  Don't get me wrong, this was delight to see her walk through the door.  We needed to catch up and get on the same page.  Although this was a great meeting of the minds, this is also when I was called down to the office for yet another student meeting.  So much of eating during lunch, I hear food is over rated.  This second meeting was also full of great ideas, brainstorms on how to create success for a struggling student.  The bell rings to end this meeting, which means that my last class of the day has now started without me.   UGHHHHHH

As I walked toward the classroom, my students are huddled around the door.  Why do they do this?  I have to slide through, "excuse me", "pardon me", "sorry, lunch meeting, sorry!  I know... I'm late, send me for a late slip"  wink wink, smile, nudge.  Everyone is in good humour.

The class settles in!  I sit at the computer to do attendance.  The computer will not let me sign in.  Several attempts; several denials.  Force Shut Down!  Class chats quietly.  Of course, material is ready, just cannot access the goods.  Minutes later (many great exchanges with the class) I am logged in, attendance complete, marked work returned and then GREATNESS!

Today, I had my grade 12 class looked at exemplars of the same question they had just answered and had returned.  As we examined the exemplars, questions lead to students asking if they could "re-do".

We discussed ...

"How do I make my response more clear, more developed?"

"How do I bring insight and sophistication to my response?"

The class ended too soon.  We were all shocked by the bell!  What a pleasure - these students brought great satisfaction to a lunch less day!

Funny!  I was no longer hungry.  I was totally satisfied!

Monday, February 6, 2012


"Succes is peace of mind which is a direct result of self satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you are capable." ( John Wooden)

I place this phrase before my students today.

No real conversation around it...

I just let it rest on the projection screen...

I did, however, share that this quote reminds me of the words my father told me.  "As long as you do your best, that is all I can ask of you!"
Thank you Dad! (One of my best Teachers)

Check out Coach Wooden's website

Friday, February 3, 2012


A student of mine made this poster.  It was the greatest compliment I could have ever asked for.

I have been thinking more and more about what motivates my students.  What do they think when they are successful?  What do they think when they are not?  What do they think success looks like or sounds like?  Do they think they can be successful?

These questions are leading me to explore the idea of motivation in my students.  I will keep you posted.